STEM Discovery Week 2016

22 to 29 April will be the STEM Discovery Week, celebrating STEM Careers and studies!;

STEM Discovery Week 2018

"Say YES to STEM"

STEM Discovery Week 2019

“Best practices in using innovative STEM resources”

STEM Discovery Week 2020

“Innovative Trends in Education”

STEM Discovery Week 2021

"Sustainability and Citizenship"

STEM Discovery Week 2022

"STEM for all"

STEM Discovery Week 2023

"STEM Identities"


Organizaţi în echipe transnaţionale elevii participanţi la proiectul eTwinning “STEAM ON THE STAGE” au studiat corpul uman şi au realizat filme în care au prezentat rezultatele obţinute.

În a doua etapă a acestei activităţi elevii au răspuns la teste făcute tot de elevi în EdPuzzle.

Cum să alegeţi liceul şi profilul cel mai potrivit!

Astăzi, 26.III.2019 elevii din clasa a VIII-a A de la Şc. Gimn. “Ioan Vlăduţiu” au participat la o întâlnire cu d-nul Ţeculescu Daniel, psiholog şcolar in cadrul orei de dirigenţie. De-a lungul unei ore s-a purtat o discuţie sinceră, deschisă cu privire la modul cum să ne alegem un drum în viaţă. S-au stabilit criteriile care stau la baza deciziilor cu privire la alegerea profilului de la liceu pe care să-l urmeze elevii începând cu anul şcolar 2019-2020.
Elevii şi-au prezentat alegerea specializării făcută în acest moment şi motivele care au stat la baza acestei alegeri.
În continuare d-nul Ţeculescu Daniel le-a făcut şi o scurtă prezentare cu specializările pe care le pot urma la Liceul Tehnologic Luduş (plan-cadru, competenţe necesare etc.).
Această întâlnire este o parte dintr-un ansamblu de activităţi organizate in cadrul campaniei “STEM Discovery Week 2019”.

How to choose the high school and the right profile!

        On March 26th the students of 8th grade from "Ioan Vlăduţiu" Secondary School attended a meeting with Mr. Teculescu Daniel, the school counselor. An honest and an open discussion took place about how to choose a path in life. They  established togheter the toolkit criteria for the decisions on the choice of high school profile to be followed by students.
Each student presented the choice for upper secondary school and the reasons for this choice.
Mr. Teculescu Daniel also made a brief presentation about education structure in Romania and how they can enroll in a upper secondary school and in university.

STEM Discovery Week 2019 is a joint international initiative that invites projects, organisations and schools across Europe and around the world, to celebrate careers and studies in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). The tagline for this year’s campaign is “best practices in using innovative STEM resources”. The primary focus of this year's campaign, is to showcase how teaching materials and other learning resources are used in educational activities.
Interested to become a partner?
By committing to the STEM Discovery Week 2019, the partners agree to:
  • Organise and share information about activities or actions in STEM education as part of the STEM Discovery Week campaign.
  • Encourage third parties to support and join the initiative by organising STEM activities or actions of their own and share information about them as part of the STEM Discovery Week campaign.
  • Publish on their web page information in support of the STEM Discovery Week campaign, hence facilitating an active exchange of information among projects, organisations and schools.
For more information on the registration steps that potential partners need to follow, please consult this document here.
Are you organising a STEM activity around April 2019?
Include it on the map! Participants organising STEM activities and actions from 1 February to 30 April 2019 may also enter the STEM Discovery Week competitions. Visit the competitions' section on the Scientix online portal for more information here.