STEM Discovery Week 2016

22 to 29 April will be the STEM Discovery Week, celebrating STEM Careers and studies!;

STEM Discovery Week 2018

"Say YES to STEM"

STEM Discovery Week 2019

“Best practices in using innovative STEM resources”

STEM Discovery Week 2020

“Innovative Trends in Education”

STEM Discovery Week 2021

"Sustainability and Citizenship"

STEM Discovery Week 2022

"STEM for all"

STEM Discovery Week 2023

"STEM Identities"


       Today is a great day in the STEM Education sphere! With the release of the new and powerful, STEM School Label, European schools have now an advanced tool to evaluate and develop their STEM strategies! 
With its unique self-assessment process, STEM School Label provides schools with area of development, based on a set of key criteria, to reach their STEM goals. Striving to offer the best guidance, STEM School Label delivers a personalized action plan according to each school's self-assessment results, case studies and practice evidences. Following a review of their scores, schools can then apply for their STEM School Label!
Besides, STEM School Label is more than just a tool or a certification! It is a collaborative environment and a meeting point for actors of STEM education in Europe. By registering to the platform, school staffs, teachers or head of schools have access to exclusive content. They can exchange about best practice, ask for advice, and share difficult cases and how they were solved.
      Curious to know more? The best way to discover all the possibilities that STEM School Label can offer to your school, is yet to visit the platform! Take a tour on the public site, follow STEM School Label on Twitter and, of course, register to get your Label!

STEM Alliance and Scientix webinar: Learning by doing with Cisco NetAcad - 25 April 2019

Gruparea rezistoarelor serie şi paralel

     În perioada 18.III.2019-02.IV.2019 cei 87 de elevi de clasa a VIII-a de la  Şcoala Gimnazială "Ioan Vlăduțiu" Luduș, județul Mureș, au învățat despre circuitele serie şi parel cu ajutorul laboratorului virtual "Circuit Lab "de pe platforma Go-Lab / Next-Lab. 
     Scenariul didactic ( se bazează pe “INQUIRY LEARNING SPACE (ILS): SERIES AND PARALLEL CIRCUITS”, resursă de pe platforma Scientix ( Lecțiile au fost integrate în curriculumul școlar.
     Organizaţi în echipe, elevii au efectuat sarcini de investigare, cum ar fi identificarea variabilelor, realizarea predicțiilor, efectuarea de experimente și deducerea concluziilor bazate pe dovezi. Elevii au proiectat experimente cu un circuit virtual și au dedus ecuațiile care guvernează comportamentul circuitului serie și paralel. La sfârșit au creat o prezentare sau un raport final al investigaţiei realizate, în care au inclus hărți conceptuale, ipoteze, observații etc. Toate prezentările și rapoartele au fost salvate și încărcate în ILS (Inquiry Learning Space).

Series And Parallel Circuits

    The 87 8th grade students from Secondary School “Ioan Vlăduţiu” Luduş, Mureş County, Romania, have learned in the two-week period (18.III.2019-02.IV.2019) about the parallel and serial circuits with the “Electrical Circuit Lab” from Go-Lab / Next-Lab platform.
     The didactic scenario ( is based on INQUIRY LEARNING SPACE (ILS): SERIES AND PARALLEL CIRCUITS, resuorce on the Scientix platform (  The lessons have been integrated into the school curriculum.
    Organised in teams, they performed inquiry tasks such as identifying variables, making predictions, conducting experiments and drawing evidence-based conclusions. The students designed experiments with a virtual circuit and found the equations that govern the behavior of the serial and parallel circuit. At the end they have created a presentation or a final report of their work, in which they included concept maps, hypotheses,observations etc. All the presentations and the reports have been saved and uploaded to the Inquiry Learning Space

Ziua porților deschise la Liceul Tehnologic Nr. 1 Luduș


      Miercuri 17 aprilie 2017 elevii claselor a VIII-a au participat la “Zilele Porţilor Deschise” la Liceul Tehnologic Nr. 1, Luduş. Elevii au avut posibilitatea de a se informa despre baza materială şi oferta educatională a liceului. Cu această ocazie au fost organizate întâlniri cu elevi şi profesori, vizite în săli de cursuri, laboratoare, sala de sport etc. Au participat la lecţii demonstrative care au pus în evidenţă implicarea elevilor şi profesorilor în activităţi şcolare diverse. Au avut totodată posibilitatea de a pune întrebări cu privire la disciplinele caracteristice fiecărui profil şi la posibilităţile de continuare a studiilor.
La sfârşitului turului elevii au mulţumit gazdelor pentru primirea călduroasă.

“Open days” at Technological High School Nr. 1, Luduş

        On April 17, 2017 the students of the 8th grade participated in the "Open Days" at Technological High School Nr. 1, Luduş. Students had the opportunity to find out about the material basis and the high school education offer.
On this occasion, were organized meetings with students and teachers, visits to training rooms, laboratories, sports hall, etc.
They attended demonstrative lessons which highlighted the students’ and teachers’ involvement in school activities.
They also had the opportunity to ask questions about the subjects characteristic for each profile and the possibilities of continuing the studies in the same field.

At the end of the tour the students thanked to the hosts for their warm welcome.

Ce înseamnă să fii chimist?

     Răspunsul la această întrebare l-au aflat elevii claselor a VIII-a în urma unei sesiuni online cu Paul Cristian Marţian, student la Facultatea de Chimie și Inginerie Chimică, Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai şi voluntar în “Caravana de promovare a Facultății de Chimie și Inginerie Chimică”.
Pentru elevii claselor a VIII-a de la Şcoala Gimnazială “Ioan Vlăduţiu”, Luduş a fost o oportunitate de a interacţiona cu un student al acestei facultăţi şi de a se informa cu privire la o eventuală carieră în chimie.
Elevii au afla răspunsurile la întrebările puse de ei:
  • Când v-aţi dat seama că doriţi să faceţi facultatea de chimie?
  • Care sunt disciplinele de bază pentru a urma cursurile facultăţii de chimie?
  • Ce înseamnă să fii student la chimie?
  • Ca student al facultăţii de chimie ce vă place cel mai mult ?
  • Ca student al facultăţii de chimie ce vă place cel mai puţin?
  • Care sunt posibilităţile de angajare după absolvirea facultăţii?
     Răspunsurile primite i-au ajutat pe elevi să-şi formeze o imagine cu privire la facultatea de chimie şi la cariere posibile în laboratoarele de chimie și în domeniile legate de chimie cum ar fi industria farmaceutică (Gedeon Richter – Tg. Mureş, Terapia – Cluj-Napoca), industria produselor cosmetice (Farmec – Cluj-Napoca), industria îngrăşămintelor chimice (AZOMUREŞ – Tg. Mureş), producerea bateriilor (de masina, ion-litiu – ROMBAT), industria alimentară etc.

What is like to be scientist? What is like to be chemist?

The students of 8th grade from "Ioan Vlăduţiu" Secondary School found out the answers to this questions due the meeting with Paul Cristian Martian, a student of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Babeş-Bolyai University and a volunteer in the Caravan which promotes the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. For the students it was an opportunity to interact with a student of this faculty and to learn about a possible career in chemistry.
Paul Cristian Martian answered the following students' questions:
What did you do in the middle school and high school to prepare for university?
What other things you are doing to prepare for your career?
  • What is university really like?
  • How did you decide that this was the college you wanted to attend? Who helped you?
  • What types of courses are you taking?
  • How much fun is university?
  •  Do they take attendance in the classroom?
  • Is there anything about your high school years that you would change if you could?
  • Is there some advice you would like to share with students so they will not make the same mistakes?
  •  What are the career options after graduating from chemistry and chemical engineering?

The responses received raise students awareness around STEM careers related fields such as the pharmaceutical industry (Gedeon Richter - Tg Mures, Therapy - Cluj -Napoca), the cosmetics industry (Farmec - Cluj-Napoca), chemical fertilizers industry (AZOMUREŞ - Târgu Mureş), battery production, food industry, etc.